The Lottery

About Me!!!!

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My name is Joshua Freeland and as you may have guessed this is my blog. I live in east london (sadly) and attend a sixth form in Barking. Im not going to preech like other people about how 'media has changed my life forever, and that I would swap my my cat for a camera, but I will say that I think this subject gets a lot if slack whichit dont deserve it. In my experience I have had amazing teachers and even better peers. I hope what you find something here that will teach you just how effective media can be......Love the Freeland

Monday, 13 September 2010

Location, Location , Location

Carrying on from my last blog , I wanted to start to look at the locations which are available to me. I am lucky to live in London as it provides many different locations in which I can choose to film. Again as the theme of my film will be 'Silent' I need to find other ways of making it exciting and unique. Location is always an important factor when filming , but some what more when filming a silent film. Taking inspiration from films such a 'Barraka' I want to show my audience that what you see at first may look different through another perspective. 'Barraka' as shot in locations such as New York and the Amazon which are known places and people may have an idea of what they look like. What the film done was show a city or location form a different angle , may it be in a helicopter or on top of a building, which made you question your own view. I want to do a similar thing but with my surroundings. Things such as the underground can be made to look exciting and interesting by finding the right angle to see it from.

This is when I started to take notes when I ever ventured out. I looked for places in which I could change peoples perspective on. On of these locations were Canary Wharf station, and the reason for this is that there are many places in which you could look at it. The station is big and has different levels. These levels are separated by escalators and this is where I believe I could find an angle which would be exciting. Although it may sound simple the difference of high and low levels may be enough to show the station in a whole new light. It is like the feeling you get whenever you go down or up a very long escalator. Another positive is that its in reach of me. It is a train stop away , saving time.

I then moved onto to bigger locations such as Westminster and the Isle of Dogs which is known for its businesses and banks. The reason I picked these locations was because it was where I could find a group of people. For me it was no good just finding a location which no one occupied. I felt that if I was going to get the best out of the locations I was going to needed to show the people who occupied them. London is know for its mixture of ethnicity and culture and so I would be able to exploit this. More importantly both locations held various points in which I could capture these sights. With amazing buildings all around I wouldn't have to look far for some were to shoot.

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