The Lottery

About Me!!!!

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My name is Joshua Freeland and as you may have guessed this is my blog. I live in east london (sadly) and attend a sixth form in Barking. Im not going to preech like other people about how 'media has changed my life forever, and that I would swap my my cat for a camera, but I will say that I think this subject gets a lot if slack whichit dont deserve it. In my experience I have had amazing teachers and even better peers. I hope what you find something here that will teach you just how effective media can be......Love the Freeland

Thursday, 23 September 2010

"Even we can make school look interesting"

In the past week we have been thinking of how we are going to make a shoots look fun and interesting. This is very important for our production as it is what will be what will earn us important and vital marks. We was given the task of taking pictures within the school that we thought were interesting , these are mine.

This is my favourite picture out the five. The reason I find this picture interesting is the spiral I have captured with the shapes. The picture reminds me of a fantasy scene where some one would be sucked into another world, although this was not my intention when I first took the picture. The colours of the metal ( silver) also adds that unique element to it as it contrast with the dark floor at the bottom. When I look at this picture I feel as if sharp blades are spiraling into a dark pit, and this is what I also got from eh feedback of my class mates; My fellow pupils were curious about where I had taken the photo and no one guessed the right location. This proves that you could capture something amazing and mysterious even if the location at first doesn't seem to provide it. I actually took the picture from the top of stack of stage legs which had been stacked together.

This is another interesting picture. What I believe makes this picture interesting is the juxtaposition of high and low key lighting. The contrast is obvious , with the light blue sky shining through black. This alone allows the picture to shine give it that sense of power. The circle shape allowing the light through is important as it creates that feeling of being trapped with the light shining through at the top. The circle is divided by lines which also plays an important role as they create symmetry and divide the clouds above. This could represent inprisoment.

This picture was taken by a tree in school. The angle of the shot is what gives it power and meaning. From the picture you can create story's and metaphors. When I look at it I feel that I'm looking at a shot from a love story. This is obviously due to the lock , but the close up gives it that much more importance. Everything else is left out of the shot which put the emphasis on the shot. The light is also shining of it so certain parts are shining, giving the lock that mysterious feel.
What makes this picture different is obvious, you can't make sense of what is it. This is ezacxtly why I chose to take it , the mystery behind it will kae the audeince think and try to figure out what it it could be. This is a good strategy to keep your audience interested , if you put somethig infront of them they dont understand , they will try and figure it out. Although you have to be careful you dont ask too much otherwise the audience will give up on trying to figure it out.

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