The Lottery

About Me!!!!

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My name is Joshua Freeland and as you may have guessed this is my blog. I live in east london (sadly) and attend a sixth form in Barking. Im not going to preech like other people about how 'media has changed my life forever, and that I would swap my my cat for a camera, but I will say that I think this subject gets a lot if slack whichit dont deserve it. In my experience I have had amazing teachers and even better peers. I hope what you find something here that will teach you just how effective media can be......Love the Freeland

Monday, 13 September 2010

'Every Picture Tells a Story'

As the theme of our short movies will be 'silent', it is important to explore how past films have been able to achieve this. Many years ago silent movies was all there was to offer due to a lack in technology. We have become use to films including dialogue and so it is now harder for film makers to create silent movies. As in my previous blog I analysed two of the most famous silent movies of the past two centuries. Both films made an impact on the film making word as it had no story line , but a simple sequence of different locations around the world. Now the idea sounds simple , but it was executed with such brilliance that it was as recognised on the same level as any ordinary production. What I'm leading to is that you don't have to have a distinct story line to create a good movie. The locations in "Barraka"were so inspirational that they told the story. This as well as the juxtaposition of a specific soundtrack was what made the film great. So when making my movie I want to be able to achieve a similar thing, to do this I will have to include inspiring locations and props. This leads me to my analyses of paintings. For years paintings have inspired many people and I want to look at how they do this. This is the first picture I looked at and analysed. Its called 'The Girl with the Pearl Earring' and is one of the most famous pictures in the world. What makes the picture so exciting is that people are undecided on whether she is smiling or or smirking. This has lead to many different story's which are told all over the word. Again such a simple painting has caught the attention of so many. The colours used make the picture glow , the black background complements this. If I am going to try to imitate the power of facial expression I am going to need to look into locations carefully and look at different colour schemes. Another picture I looked was called 'The Scream' painted my Edward Mucnh. Edward Mucnh was an expressionist painter and in the picture we see an agonized figure against a bloody sky. Now this picture allows the viewer to ask many question , such as why is he in agony? , or why is the sky red?. Again the painting creates imagination for the viewer as every views it in there own way. The main factor which causes this the facial expression of the man. You could come up with many different story's from this and as along as you could justify it , no one would be able to say you was wrong. From this I learnt that I want to aim to make my audience feel as if they can use there imagination when watching my film. As there will be no dialogue they will need to find a substitute to understand what is going from. This substitute can come from locations, expressions or even props. Overall I need to be detailed but simple if I'm going to make my film exciting.


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