The Lottery

About Me!!!!

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My name is Joshua Freeland and as you may have guessed this is my blog. I live in east london (sadly) and attend a sixth form in Barking. Im not going to preech like other people about how 'media has changed my life forever, and that I would swap my my cat for a camera, but I will say that I think this subject gets a lot if slack whichit dont deserve it. In my experience I have had amazing teachers and even better peers. I hope what you find something here that will teach you just how effective media can be......Love the Freeland

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Distribution and new technology- How to get my film noticed

The way films are distributed has changed greatly over the past decade. Distributes now have a range of different ways to reach the audience , and this means that independent films no longer have to use film festivals to get their film noticed. Media platforms such as YouTube and Face book allows small films to promote their films in new and exciting ways. The introduction of YouTube over 8 years ago has been a media revolution. Media is no longer personal and the audience is now seen as an individual. By liberating the audience YouTube has give them the power to make their own films and then to get feedback on them. This feedback is what they can use to change the film. To understand how powerful YouTube is the key to making your film popular. If you now how to use YouTube to gain feedback and more importantly views , only then will you be able get you film noticed. The video below is just an example of how social media has grown.

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